Green Building
The EPA CHP Partnership
- This partnership gives Controlled Air, Inc. access to tools, services, and benefits in the development of CHP.
- Access to the CHP Emissions Calculator to help us best determine emission savings in your facility with a CHP system.
- It allows us to submit your CHP Project for the Energy Star CHP Awards and publicity.
- Information about the fund, rebates, and incentives available to CHP systems.
- Information about CHP prime movers, including cost and performance characteristics.
- Current information on state and federal incentives applicable to CHP, including financial incentives and favorable regulatory treatment.
- Technical white papers and clean energy policy resource documents.
©2020 Controlled Air, Inc. Branford, CT . 203-481-3531 . controlledair@controlledair.com . Lic # CT S1 302788 / RI R/M1 & P/M 00007776