Fall Executive Energy Summit

The Executive Energy Summit is the second event this year which covers energy efficient technologies and their impact on your business environment. There will be multiple speakers including Vin Chiocchio, which will cover a variety of topics that will help you make informed decisions about upgrades to your building environment.
The Executive Energy Summit is prepared especially to assist in the understanding of energy as it applies to their company.
Seminar Topics Include:
- Energy Compliance Laws for Building Owners and Ratepayers
- Best Energy Conservation, Efficiency and Generation Methods
- The Economics of Energy and How to capture all Available Money
- Options for Financing Energy Measures
- Understanding the Pricing of Electricity and Natural Gas Supply
- Understanding your Energy Bill and the impact of Stabilizing Demand
- The Corporate Communication Process to Best Manage Energy Costs
This program will educate you and assist you in the implementation of an energy plan.
Speakers Include:
- Vincent Chiocchio, President of Controlled Air, Inc., discussing energy efficiency and energy generation.
- Elena Cahill, JD, CEM, BEP, globelé Energy, discusses economics of energy, financing and more.
- Alex Discepolo, CPA, covering the new tax changes as they relate to both energy conservation and generation.
- Kristilee Lahaye, CEP (certified energy procurement specialist), covering electricity and natural gas markets.
September 20, 2018
Check-in begins at 8:30am
Program: 9:00-11:30am
Lunch & Networking: 11:30am-12:30pm
Located at the: Fairfield Museum & History Center, 370 Beach Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824 (map)