Connecticut State Rebates and Incentives Available
A few important notes about funding:
Many of these programs require pre-approval before any work is started or you could lose your opportunity for funding.
Commercial & Industrial Property Assessed Clean Energy (CPACE) is an innovative model of financing energy efficient upgrades to a commercial building. Repayment is made through an assessment on the property that is paid back through the property tax bill. The repayment obligation transfers automatically to the next owner if the property is sold. Because the payment is tied to the property tax, low interest capital can be raised from the private sector with no government financing required. Interested in finding out more? You can read more on the CPACE website.
Low-Interest Loans for Commercial and Industrial Customers
The Energy Efficiency Fund provides incentives to help reduce the cost of installing energy-efficient equipment; however, they do not cover the entire cost. The amount not covered by incentives, can be financed through this Loan program. This is a low-interest loan offered to commercial and industrial customers who implement energy-saving measures through a qualifying incentive program funded by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The loan must be used for the upgrading or replacement of existing equipment with high-efficiency equipment and the limits are $2000 minimum to $1,000,000 maximum. Find our more on the Energize CT website.
CLM Financing Small Business Municipal Loan Program
Loans make it easier for small businesses and municipalities to invest in energy-efficient improvements. Repayment terms up to four years and an on-bill payment option make it even easier!
Take advantage of interest-free loans to help pay for qualifying electric and natural gas energy-saving measures. They’re available to commercial or industrial businesses participating in the Small Business Energy Advantage (SBEA) program and municipalities participating in a retrofit program. Loans ranging from $500 to $100,000 are available through the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund to help upgrade or replace existing electric and gas equipment with qualifying high-efficiency equipment. Find out more.
Cool Choice Rebate
Rebates make energy-saving air conditioning and heat pump systems more affordable.
Cogeneration and Solar
Cogeneration and solar grants are also available. The details are constantly changing. Contact us for the current available incentives.
Updated 1/4/2021
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